Reproduction in flowering plants

 What is the number of microsporangia in each lobe of an angiosperm anther?

(1) Four

(2) Two

(3) Eight

(4) One

The cells of which of the following layers of the anther wall are multinucleated due to endomitosis?

(1) Epidemis

(2) Endothecium

(3) Middle layer

(4) Tapetum

A typical angiosperm anther is dithecous which means that it is:

(1) One lobed and the lobe has two theca

(2) Two lobed and each lobe has two theca

(3) Two lobed and each lobe has one theca

(4) Four lobed and each lobe has two theca

Which of the following layers in the wall of an anther nourishes the developing pollen grains?

1. Tapetum

2. Epidermis

3. Endothecium

4. Middle layers

Pollen intine is made of:

1. Sporopollenin

2. Cellulose and pectin

3. Ergosterol

4. Phospholipids and cholesterol

Pollen grains lose their viability within 30 minutes of their release in:

1. Rose

2. Potato

3. Pea

4. Wheat

Pollen grains are shed at which stage?

(1) 2 celled 

(2) 3 celled

(3) Usually at 2-celled, but sometimes 3-celled

(4) Single celled stage

Ubisch bodies are secreted from

(1) ovule

(2) tapetum

(3) both of these

(4) none of these

Pollen grains are able to withstand extremes of temperature and dessication because their exine is composed of

(1) cutin

(2) suberin

(3) sporopollenin

(4) callose

What is the charasteristic of tapetum ?

(1) It does not store food.

(2) It is multi-nucleated.

(3) It is multi-layered structure.

(4) It nourishes the megaspore.

Sporopollenin is a constituent of pollen exine.

It can be degraded by the action of 

(1) enzymes

(2) high temperature

(3) strong acids

(4) cannot be degraded

The pollen grains of rice and wheat lose their viability in ___ minutes of their release.

(1) 30

(2) 10

(3) 60

(4) 90

The following is the diagram of T.S. of anther. Identify the parts labelled A, B and C.

(1) A - Connective tissue, B - Pollen grains, C - Endothecium

(2) A - Endothecium, B -Connective tissue, C - Pollen grains

(3) A - Pollen grains, B - Connective tissue, C - Endothecium

(4) A - Endothecium, B - Pollen grains, C - Connective tissue

The intine of the pollen grain is a:

1. Thick and discontinuous layer made of sporopollenin

2. Thick and continuous layer made of sporopollenin

3. Thin and discontinuous layer made of cellulose and pectin

4. Thin and continuous layer made of cellulose and pectin


Which one of the following statements is not true? (2016)

(1) Exine of pollen grains is made up of sporopollenin

(2) Pollen grains of many species cause severe allergies

(3) Stored pollen in liquid nitrogen can be used in the crop breeding programmes

(4) Tapetum helps in the dehiscence of anther

Pollen tablets are available in the market for (2014)

(1) In vitro fertilisation

(2) breeding programmes

(3) supplementing food

(4) Ex situ conservation

Which one of the following statement is correct?(2013)

(1) Hard outer layer of pollen is called intine

(2) Sporogenous tissue is haploid

(3) Endothecium produces the microspores

(4) Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen 

An organic substance that can withstand environmental extremes and cannot be degraded by any enzyme is (2012)

(1) cuticle

(2) sporopollenin

(3) lignin

(4) cellulose

Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by the division of: (2007)

(1) microspore

(2) generative cell

(3) vegetative cell

(4) microspore mother cell

Which one of the following is surrounded by a callose wall? (2007)

(1) Microspore mother cell

(2) Male gemete

(3) Egg

(4) Pollen grain

Male gametophyte in angiosperms produces (2015)

1. two sperms and a vegetative cell

2. single sperm and a vegetative cell

3. single sperm and two vegetative cells

4. three sperms


Starting from the innermost part, the correct sequence of parts in an ovule are

(a) Egg, nucellus, embryo sac, integument

(b) Egg, embryo sac, nucellus, integument

(c) Embryo sac, nucellus, integument, egg

(d) Egg, integument, embryo sac, nucellus


 From the statements given below, choose the option that are true for a typical female gametophyte of a flowering plant

i. It is 8-nucleate and 7-celled at maturity

ii. It is free-nuclear during the development

iii. It is situated inside the integument but outside the nucellus

iv. It has an egg apparatus situated at the chalazal end

(a) i and iv (b) ii and iii (c) i and ii (d) ii and iv

A third integument is

(a) Aril (b) Obturator (c) Endothecium (d) Hypostase

The part of gynoelclum that determines the compatible nature of pollen is

(a) Stigma (b) Style (c) Ovary (d) Synergids

Filiform apparatus is characteristic of

(a) Egg cell (b) Pollen grain (c) Synergids (d) Antipodal cells

 The most common type of ovule in angiosperm is

(a) Orthotropous (b) Anatropous (c) Amphitropous (d) Camphylotropous

 Female gametophyte of flowering plants is represented by

(a) Ovule                             

(b) Embryo sac

(c) Endosperm 

(d) Megaspore mother cell


Number of-chromosomes in nucellus is 24. Number of chromosomes in aleurone layer would be

(a) 30 (b) 24 (c) 36 (d) 12


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